
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Oreo Balls

I've been thinking about what to write for the past five minutes.
I have no idea what I should write about.
I just ate some watermelon.
Now my stomach hurts.
I'm thinking about when I should buy the stuff to make the Oreo balls.
As well as how I'll decorate them. Maybe I'll just dip them in chocolate, maybe I'll add sprinkles. I'm not sure. I think it'll be a surprise.
I was thinking about making slutty brownies but I think Oreo balls are better in my opinion.
I'm not sure what else to say.
I run for fun. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Stereotypes has been something that has effected people every now and then in their life time. It's known as judging someone based on their religion, race, etc. I am half Latina and I have not experienced being stereotyped but I have seen it in the Latino group. We are most likely stereotyped because of our lifestyles and as not being as educated. People think everyone ofus is getting in trouble all of the time and could care less about being educated. That has always bothered me but I have always been able to prove otherwise. My parents made sure that I was educated and raised with morals and standards for myself. As well as the family around me. I have always been taught to have manors and to be around people who will bring success to me and with people that I can share that with. I've always been told to be humble and appreciate everything day by day. My parents struggled when they were younger and fought their way to where they are today so they could give my brother and I anything we need and to always be supporting us. Education is a very important thing going into that topic, I've always had an idea of what I want to be and where I want to go. I want to achieve a lot of things and I can't think of a better family to have raised me better.

Thinking of being part of a different family has never come into my mind. I love my family and everything in it. The way that we bond and are able to communicate with one another is amazing. I have always been able to count on my parents and my family knowing that no matter what it is, they will always be supporting me. They have been with me side by side and that makes me feel great. My family and I are always talking about what is next and we are all so alike that is is almost impossible for me to imagine what my world would be like if I wasn't part of my family. I love being Latino and the aspects that come into it because there are definitely some things that we do that go into that. It's a very special thing and I would not want to share it with anyone else. 

Families has always had a struggle with people being racist and struggling to have a better life and wanting the best for their children's life. They had to share things in a bad apartment and now they are hoping to better their lives with the new check coming in. Ever since the family got the big news about the money, it was something that the whole family could not wait for. They had so many ideas of what they could do with the money. The sister had hopes of going to medical school but had her eyes opened up about the dream still being there even though the father could have lived, they wouldn't of had the money in the first place ms that they were being selfish in the beginning because they were all thinking of what they could all invidually do with the money instead of thinking of it as a whole. When the mother went out and bought the house with her knee she was thinking of how it could benefit them. Although this might not have been the best thing she could do with all of the money that they had. Unlike the son, giving it to an untrustworthy source they could have gone to a professional place and put the money into a project of idea that could've made the money into thousands of more dollars. Especially since that money was going to wards his sisters college. The money did buy them a better house but they were doing okay with the apartment and could have bought more affordable things and kept them living better inside an apartment or even a better apartment that could have had its own luxur instead of having more kidney go towards the house. It could have been the three rooms and two nice bathrooms for the family because they could have found apartments and the sister was going to be going off to college soon anyhow. The family was very happy in the end although they were not welcome at first in the neighborhood and told the guy to get out of their business. They finally agreed on some thing but they could have spent the money on something that was beneficial and made them more money and gotten an even nicer house.

Monday, April 20, 2015

What if?

There have been many tragic events in history, many leading into others like dominos. One of the biggest things would by far be the holocaust. What would the world be like now if the holocaust somehow never happened? Things would be very different had Hitler never developed such hatred for them thus the horrific events seizing to exist. The Germans would not have lost their faith in hitler, causing the war to mayb not have ended when it did. This would shift all over, even the smallest thing not happening could be a big impact on how everything functions today. This could have also caused for Europe to fall under communist control. There would be more jews in Europe. The state of Israel may not have come to the exist in 1948 or maybe not as soon as it rose. Even before WW2, the Jews were buying land in Israel. If they already had land that was pretty big, the Jewish population was very likely to come around eventually. The holocuast not happening could have caused Germany to win the 2nd world war. The population would be consisted more of polish, German, and Russian. Many German Jews considered themselves German, in slaughtering the Jews, this caused Germany lost some of her best people. If there had been no holocaust, there would have been more Jews in Europe. More jews everywhere over all. About six million Jews were killed in the holocaust, and there are about thirteen million Jews around at the moment. There could be about twenty million around if the holocasut had never  happened. A lot of things would be different. 
  • Baronet · 6 years ago 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Night Blog: Violence

"Look at the fire! Look at the flames! Flames everywhere…" Once again, the young men bound and gagged her. When they actually struck her, people shouted their approval: "Keep her quite! Make that madwoman shut up. She’s not the only one here …" She received several blows to the head, blows that could have been lethal." (2.35-38) Violence 

Since the Jews were so badly treated and tortured, they began to terrify each other as well. They were so afraid and started to turn on one another. They lash out at the women because she is telling them that something terrible is coming. They get scared that if they try to protect one another, they will too get punished for trying to stand up to them. They will take it as disrespect so they try to save themselves by making it seem like they hate their own kind as well. Whenever someone tries to break this thing apart they get even more angry and try to encourage violence agains that one person to keep from things getting worse. They start being violent against one another from fright. 

"Faster you filthy dogs!" We were no longer marching, we were running. Like automatons. The SS were running as well, weapons in hand. We looked as though we were running from them. The night was pitch-black. From time to time, a shot exploded in the darkness. They had orders to shoot anyone who could not sustain the pace. Their fingers on the triggers, they did not deprive themselves of the pleasure. If one of us stopped for a second, a quick shot eliminated the filthy dog." (6.3-4) Violence

The SS officers would be abusive and make death threats. They would tell them they were going to be killed to scare the prisoners so that they would listen and do whatever they said. The SS are ordered to do multiple things to make the prisoners suffer. From beating them to killing them. Even though they get orders from their boss to do such things, they get pleasure and enjoy watching the struggling prisoners fall to the ground as they shoot them down. They get rid of any prisoners that do not serve a purpose to them or who do not do the job right. They didn't see anything wrong with treating them with such utter violence. They also thought that what they were doing was to make the world a better place and that just shows how sickening this part in history was. 

"One day when Idek was venting his fury, I happened to cross his path. He threw himself on me like a wild beast, beating me in the chest, on my head, throwing me to the ground and picking me up again, crushing me with ever more violent blows, until I was covered in blood. As I bit my lips in order not to howl with pain, he must have mistaken my silence for defiance and so he continued to hit me harder and harder. Abruptly, he calmed down and sent me back to work as if nothing had happened. As if we had taken part in a game in which both roles were of equal importance." (4.64-65) Violence

The men are very violent and want to lash out at anything because they are losing their minds. The pressure will get to someone and it drives them to the point of insanity. When someone is under that kind of concept and it's something shocking which is very harsh on their body and mind, everything starts breaking down. Especially when people are getting killed everyday and you're around that. Knowing that any day you can be the next one to get killed. It's is violence that makes no sense and has no purpose. Some men don't even mean to do it and are to the point where they don't even have an idea of how bad it is or what they are doing. Innocent violence is basically the situation. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Were Jews able to escape from concentration camps? If so, how many and what was the outcome?

Were Jews able to escape concentration camps? and if so, how many and what was the outcome? 

Concentration camps were a horrible place and it was probably just as difficult to tolerate the agony of being inside rather than finding a way to escape. It's hard to just think about how they could withhold the terror and scary situations they had to wake up to every single day. Some even driving them to insanity and others thinking there was a way out. They did not want to be toretured and finally decided to try to escape. It must have been a hard task because of how many soldiers there were and how much protection, tramps etc was set around the camp. As well as surprise gas showers, they never knew when they went inside and could have been killed hours before their escape plan. It sure isn't an easy thing to do, but some had to have made it out. There is also fifty-fifty chance that they made it and got away or they didn't and got caught again. Some even escaped the camps before getting inside but all were eventually found one way or another. According to new research, over 764 Jews jumped from nazi trains. Some even were angered at them because they were scared for themselves. Many would use clever ways to be able to escape like prying open bars of the train to jump off and then successfully fleeing away, others would leave on nightfall (Lipman). A handful of Jews were able to cheat death by escaping and managing to stay out of harms way. I chose this question because a lot of Jews were killed and it is fascinating to know that some were able to get out. The stories they share and that some would still have hope that they would get out of that desperation. 
Some incidents involved transportation with men women and children from Hungary. On May 1944, they were able to escape and ran in the woods, where they hid. Although they were not successful because eventually SS caught up to them and killed them. (The holocaust explained) 



Lipman, Ryan. "Revealed: How hundreds of Jews escaped the horrors of Nazi concentration camps by jumping from heavily guarded trains

"The Holocaust explained"

Lipman, Ryan. "Revealed: How hundreds of Jews escaped the horrors of Nazi concentration camps by jumping from heavily guarded trains

"The Holocaust explained"

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog for book passage

Rianna, Anthony Portera, Christian, Alex

"Saturday, the day of rest, was the day chosen for our expulsion.
      The night before, we had sat down to the traditional Friday
night meal. We had said the customary blessings over the bread and the
wine and had swallowed the food in silence. We sensed the that we were
gathered around the familial table for the last time. I spent that
night going over memories and ideas and was unable to sleep that

    This passage explains how important religion was to Moshie the
Beatle and the rest of his family members, very well knowingly they
could be in danger. Friday night services, also known as the holiday
of Shabbat, is a resting day where families and friends should come
together to enjoy a meal and pray. The characters in this story wanted
to come together to enjoy their last meal together not knowing the
darkness that lies ahead of them. There was no way to know how many
lives would be lost, or the horrendous events that would take place,
but this family took advantage of the time they had left. During this
time period, religious beliefs were stronger than ever and they wanted
to keep their Jewish faith alive, as displayed here in this passage.
This piece of writing may be overlooked, but displays importance in
the characters' beliefs, which might be important later on in the

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Were Jews able to escape concentration camps? If so, how many and what was the outcome?

Concentration camps were a horrible place and it was probably just as difficult to tolerate the agony of being inside rather than finding a way to escape. It's hard to just think about how they could withhold the terror and scary situations they had to wake up to every single day. Some even driving them to insanity and others thinking there was a way out. They did not want to be toretured and finally decided to try to escape. It must have been a hard task because of how many soldiers there were and how much protection, tramps etc was set around the camp. As well as surprise gas showers, they never knew when they went inside and could have been killed hours before their escape plan. It sure isn't an easy thing to do, but some had to have made it out. There is also fifty-fifty chance that they made it and got away or they didn't and got caught again. Some even escaped the camps before getting inside but all were eventually found one way or another. According to new research, over 764 Jews jumped from nazi trains. Some even were angered at them because they were scared for themselves. Many would use clever ways to be able to escape like prying open bars of the train to jump off and then successfully fleeing away, others would leave on nightfall. A handful of Jews were able to cheat death by escaping and managing to stay out of harms way. I chose this question because a lot of Jews were killed and it is fascinating to know that some were able to get out. The stories they share and that some would still have hope that they would get out of that desperation.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What is the America dream

It has been around for as long as anyone can remember. America has been known as the land of money and where anyone can make anything happen. Families travel for as long as they need to, to get here and make what they have wished a reality. This is the land of opportunities, where people get the chance to get an education and make something of themselves. People in other countries wish to come here but not everyone makes it or has the money to come here. There are excellent jobs here and for people with children, they want them to be able to go to school and kids have dreams and hopes for themselves. They want to do something great, to be someone great. Any chance we get now, is to take it. Others don't get the same opportunity. It's like a trunk full of riches and you get put in front of it. You just have to use it. Everyone dreams to have money and be successful and they come here to get it

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


A gathering of everything that was mentioned in the story A gathering of everything that was mentioned in the story

