Thinking of being part of a different family has never come into my mind. I love my family and everything in it. The way that we bond and are able to communicate with one another is amazing. I have always been able to count on my parents and my family knowing that no matter what it is, they will always be supporting me. They have been with me side by side and that makes me feel great. My family and I are always talking about what is next and we are all so alike that is is almost impossible for me to imagine what my world would be like if I wasn't part of my family. I love being Latino and the aspects that come into it because there are definitely some things that we do that go into that. It's a very special thing and I would not want to share it with anyone else.
Families has always had a struggle with people being racist and struggling to have a better life and wanting the best for their children's life. They had to share things in a bad apartment and now they are hoping to better their lives with the new check coming in. Ever since the family got the big news about the money, it was something that the whole family could not wait for. They had so many ideas of what they could do with the money. The sister had hopes of going to medical school but had her eyes opened up about the dream still being there even though the father could have lived, they wouldn't of had the money in the first place ms that they were being selfish in the beginning because they were all thinking of what they could all invidually do with the money instead of thinking of it as a whole. When the mother went out and bought the house with her knee she was thinking of how it could benefit them. Although this might not have been the best thing she could do with all of the money that they had. Unlike the son, giving it to an untrustworthy source they could have gone to a professional place and put the money into a project of idea that could've made the money into thousands of more dollars. Especially since that money was going to wards his sisters college. The money did buy them a better house but they were doing okay with the apartment and could have bought more affordable things and kept them living better inside an apartment or even a better apartment that could have had its own luxur instead of having more kidney go towards the house. It could have been the three rooms and two nice bathrooms for the family because they could have found apartments and the sister was going to be going off to college soon anyhow. The family was very happy in the end although they were not welcome at first in the neighborhood and told the guy to get out of their business. They finally agreed on some thing but they could have spent the money on something that was beneficial and made them more money and gotten an even nicer house.
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